Friday, September 17, 2010

NYC Here I Come!

This afternoon, I am heading to NYC for a Girls Weekend with my best friends from college. Woohoo!! Can you tell I am excited? I can't wait to see all of my girls. There are seven of us getting together, three of the girls live in NYC and the rest of us are coming in today. Between marriages, babies, life, etc., it's so hard to coordinate schedules these days but this trip just fell into place so we must have all needed it. 

My husband is the most wonderful man in the world and totally encourages me to get together with my friends and have a break! I do the same for him, we both think this is so important. I love that he is looking forward to a weekend with our little guy. I am sure he will do all kinds of fun stuff Mommy wouldn't do and will solidify his position as the current favorite. This is okay with me though because I can't blame B for him being the favorite, he's pretty awesome :) I will miss them both so much but am definitely excited for a break and some much needed girl time.  

This morning we have just been hanging out at the house and I have been getting ready for the trip. Here are some of the ways B has been "helping me." 

  • Drinking water out of the dog bowl
  • Pulling all of the folded laundry out of the basket
  • Wearing my underwear as a necklace and running around the house
  • Using our sterling silver marriage certificate holder as a hammer "hammy" on our tile floors
I wouldn't have it any other way though because life is so much more fun with him around. 

Hope you have a great weekend!


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